Meditation's benefit (part 2)

From time to time we spontaneously experience a lucid with the present moment. These times are characterized by the complete melding of our mind with the reality of the present.
Being transfixed with a view such of the setting sun can be an unintended meditation for many people. There is also a specific technique for that.
It is also possible for adrenalin buzz resulting from sudden danger or thrill of other excitements to put us in a lucid states for short periods of time. But lucidity from this excitements reflects a hormonal 'high', which unfortunately must be balanced by an emotional low.
The attempt to prolonged this hormonal highs can be done by some chemicals, but because the body and mind are designed to seek balance, prolonged high will lead to a deeper low. This means addicted.
In other words, your health an potential for longevity is compromised. How should we get the benefit without compromising our health, we will talk about it later.

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Meditation's Benefit (part 1)

Many people meditate in order to reap very tangible benefits that meditation can bring. The main benefits to be gained by meditation in the short term are:

  • an enhanced ability to relax
  • greater equanimity
  • improved self-assurance
  • increased physical and mental energy
In addition to these short term benefits, all forms of meditation gently coax our minds into a greater appreciation of the present moment. This is useful, because relating to the present causes us to be much more focused and alert. When we are not meditating, we spend a surprising amount of time daydreaming about future possibilities or past events. By giving us the ability to focus at will upon the moment, meditation becomes a tool that enables us to experience things as they actually are.

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Alternative Health Tips: Drinks 6 Glasses of Water Therapy

Water can be used as a simple alternative health solutions. It can purify our body if we use them properly.
Now here is what you have to do:

  1. Early in the morning right after you wake up (even before you brush your teeth) drink 1.5 litre of water, approximately 5 - 6 glasses.
  2. Don't eat or drink anything an hour before and after drink this 1.5 litre of water.
  3. Don't drink alcohol contained drinks the night before
  4. Use only boiled water and the one that properly filtered.

If you find it difficult to drink 1.5 litre of water, you can start from 4 glasess and try to reach 6 glasses a day.

Here are some of disease that can be cured according to experience:

  • TBC in 3 months
  • Diabetes in 7 weeks
  • High Blood Pressure in 4 weeks

Hope that you find this alternative health tips useful, and start drink water properly today.

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