Breathing Tests for Free

I just surfed the web and found out this interesting web site about breathing test. I never thought before that our breathe efficiency can be measured online. And the best yet to come, it’s totally free. On that site, you only have to answer a few question and practice some instruction that can be done by yourself. The site itself said that “If you can't measure it you can't manage it.” I believe it’s true, if you want to manage something, you have to be able to measure it so you will be able to determine your target and know the result of your improvement. I took this article about breathing test from that web site.

How good is YOUR breathing?Take our Free Breathing Tests and see!

Is the way you breathe making you sick, stealing your energy, hampering your productivity or shortening your life? Take this 15 minutes free breathing test to find out and have your answers emailed to you immediately.
- Could any of your health, wellness or performance goals be hindered by incorrect breathing?
- Do you have restricted, shallow, under or overbreathing?
- Do you have or suspect a breathing problem?
- Take this free breathing test. Then learn how easy it is feel and perform better!
- You will receive answers and recommendations to your home or office email address.

Did you know that findings resulting from a 5,200-person clinical study group observed over a 30-year span showed that pulmonary function measurement is an indicator of general health and vigor and literally the primary measure of potential life span? Go straight to test

Did you know that the average person reaches peak respiratory function and lung capacity in their mid 20's? Then they begin to lose respiratory capacity: between 9 and 25% for every decade of life! So, unless you are doing something to maintain or improve your breathing capacity, it will decline, and with it, your general health, your life expectancy, and for that matter, your spirit too!

Did you know that given an optimal diet, the respiratory system should be responsible for eliminating 70% of your metabolic waste? The remainder should be eliminated thru defecation 3%, urination 8%, and perspiration 19%. So, if you think that going to the bathroom everyday is important, or that working up a good sweat now and then is healthy, think again about the value of full free optimal breathing!

Did you know that most people have unhealthy breathing habits? They hold their breath or breathe high in the chest or in a shallow, irregular manner. These patterns have been unconsciously adopted, accidentally formed, or emotionally impressed. Certain "typical" breathing patterns actually trigger physiological and psychological stress and anxiety reactions!

For good to optimal health, you must:

  • Learn how well you breathe.
  • Learn what that may have to do with your overall state of health.
  • Learn how to develop your breathing to optimize it, increase your energy, improve your health and strengthen everything else that is effected by good or bad breathing. Breath is life
  • Pay particular attention to the answers that contain UDB.
Heart attacks, cancer, strokes, pneumonia, asthma, speech problems and almost every disease known to mankind is worsened or improved by how well we breathe, the quality of our respiration.

According to several European medical doctors and numerous Taoist, Buddhist, Hindu, Hawaiian and Native American healers and spiritual teachers, there are at least 200 conditions of life and diseases that relate directly to incorrect breathing. America's own Dr. Andrew Weil states that "Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health."

Self-evaluation of respiratory deterioration was significantly predictive of death from all causes. Kauffmann F, Annesi I, Chwalow J -Epidemiological Research Unit INSERM U 209, Villejuif, France. European Respiratory Journal 2090 Nov; 2822:2888-2828
People who breathe optimally rarely or never get sick. They live a lot longer too!

If you can't measure it you can't manage it. For that, you need breathing test. There are ways of your telling yourself how good your breathing is and the relationship to how long and healthy you may live due to good or bad breathing. There are simple painless breathing skills, techniques, exercises, non-exercises, drugless and dietary ways of rapidly developing your breathing regardless of who or where you are and what condition you are in.

Well, some of those breath exercise can be found here. Most of them are simple, easy and only cost you a little time and effort. Really! You should try them yourself after taking your breathing test.

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