Simple Meditation exercises: Breathe Exercises

This simple meditation exercises will give you the benefit of meditation in a very simple way: Breathe Exercise. You can do it anytime you want. Just follow these steps.

Sometimes, I like to think that meditation as a way to control the constant flow of ideas and thoughts that rush through our minds every moment of every day. Using very simple techniques, this simple meditation exercises can reduce physical stress in the body and create a peaceful calm in the mind as part of it’s mindfulness state result.

Our Simple Meditation Excercises using some Breathe Exercise steps as follows:

- First begin by trying to clear your mind. Focusing on your breathing pattern is often the best place to start.

- Find a quiet, comfortable place. Lying down may make relaxing easier as you learn to meditate.

- Take long, slow breaths. Listen to the sound of the air coming in and out.
- As you inhale, push your abdomen out and then expand your chest as it fills with air.

- Try to think of nothing but the act of breathing. When your mind wanders, and it will, gently return your focus on the breaths. Remember, this is a breathe exercise.

- Now it's time to let go of the physical tension. Progressive muscle relaxation is a good way to learn to recognize tight muscles.

- Each time you inhale, tighten one part of your body as much as you can.

- As you exhale, relax that part of the body.
- Feel that part of the body as dead weight, sinking into the bed.

- Start with your toes and feet, then your legs, then your abdomen, then hands, then arms, then shoulders, then neck, and finally face.

- Finally, take five deep breaths, each time imagining yourself sinking further into the bed. Be still and enjoy this relaxation. Try not to let thoughts drift back into your mind just yet. The entire experience should take five to ten minutes. Don't pressure yourself to continue for longer than you're comfortable at first.

Throughout the day, when you feel your muscles tightening from stress, take ten deep breaths (count backwards from ten with each exhalation). Remember the peaceful feeling that meditating brought to your mind and body earlier in the day.

Make time for this meditation regularly once a day to experience deeper and more complete relaxation and calm from this simple breathe exercise.
Breathe in....Breathe out....

You can also try this 45 seconds meditation exercises and compare the result to find which one is fit you the best and get the most benefit from your meditation exercises.

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