Lower Blood Pressure Tips

If you have a high blood pressure problem, it is important for you to maintain lower blood pressure in order to avoid risks from high blood pressure. Here a some simple daily tips that you can do to maointain lower blood pressure:

Lower Blood Pressure Tips #1: Maintain a healthy weight
• Check with your health care provider to see if you need to lose weight.
• If you do, lose weight slowly using a healthy eating plan and engaging in physical activity.

Lower Blood Pressure Tips #2: Be physically active
• Engage in physical activity for a total of 30 minutes on most days of the week.
• Combine everyday chores with moderate-level sporting activities, such as walking, to achieve your physical activity goals.

Lower Blood Pressure Tips #3: Follow a healthy eating plan
• Set up a healthy eating plan with foods low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, and lowfat dairy foods such as the DASH eating plan.
• Write down everything that you eat and drink in a food diary. Note areas that are successful or need improvement.
• If you are trying to lose weight, choose an eating plan that is lower in calories.

Lower Blood Pressure Tips #4: Reduce sodium in your diet
• Choose foods that are low in salt and other forms of sodium.
• Use spices, garlic, and onions to add flavor to your meals without adding more sodium.

Lower Blood Pressure Tips #5: Drink alcohol only in moderation
• In addition to raising blood pressure, too much alcohol can add unneeded calories to your diet.
• If you drink alcoholic beverages, have only for women, two drinks a day for men.

Lower Blood Pressure Tips #6: Take prescribed drugs as directed
• If you need drugs to help lower your blood pressure, you still must follow the lifestyle changes
mentioned above.
• Use notes and other reminders to help you remember to take your drugs. Ask your family
to help you with reminder phone calls and messages

I hope this tips can halp you to maintain your blood pressure and achieve better health.

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